Hi this is my highlight from 2018.
The first thing that I put on was my artwork because I liked how I got to paint it. I also got to
do it on a paper.
The second thing I put on was a life jacket on at the pools. We learnt to swim freestyle.
It was cool and a lot of fun.
We got to eat frog legs for the first time. It was disgusting and horrible. It tasted like rotten eggs.
The zoo trip was cool. There were lots of amazing animals to see. I really liked the bug lab.
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Monday, 10 December 2018
My Dream Job
Hi my name is Toa and this is my dream job. I want to be a pilot because i want to discover the world.and also take people to different countries. I would also like to be a pilot because i have never been on a plane before.
Because my parents never think about moving.
Because my parents never think about moving.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Dear Future Teacher
Year 4/5 Classroom Teacher
Pt England School
New Zealand
Dear Future Teacher,
Hi my name is Toa and I like hugs in the morning. The thing that I like is doing maths with teachers and i like doing a reading test. my brothers name is Calvin and we like making letters to our cousins and we also like playing tag.
My sister is a year 4 and she comes to this school to i like school because i can learn from many different teachers. and thing that i mostly like in class is giving miss king a big hug.
Love from Toa
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Christmas decoration
On Monday room 21 made some Christmas decorations. We could make diamonds and circles but first we had to designs.We had to trace it with glue next and after we traced it we had to put some glitter on it we had unicorn glitter and silver and gold glitter.
After we did that we had to poke a hole in it and put sea string in it and we could put wool in it.After that we could put it on the Christmas tree but first i help to put it up. Sione was dancing to the music that miss scanlan put on.
After we did that we had to poke a hole in it and put sea string in it and we could put wool in it.After that we could put it on the Christmas tree but first i help to put it up. Sione was dancing to the music that miss scanlan put on.
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
setting description
- Once upon a time there was a giraffe named mr griffins and a cloud called blondy cloud.They were best friends but at night they went up a hill but then they saw a broke down house.But then they both decided to go in the house so they tip toed but blondy cloud didn’t need to tip toe because she was in the air but they went in and never came out because someone quietly locked the door but there was a bucket inside the house so mr griffins got the bucket smash the window but then they had to go down a ladder so mr griffin's is brave and he went down the ladder and he made it blondy cloud already made it down because she can fly.But then there was a spider webs so mr griffin’s smashed through the webs but then they saw who locked them up it was just a beautiful butterfly.But then they made good friends.So they played until the sun rises because it was still night time
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
Thursday, 15 November 2018
athletics day
Last week on Friday we had athletics day. It is when you run and get fit and try and win some points for your house team. The challenge and Miss King said if that we had to do the scissors jump you had to spread your legs out and try to jump high. We went to the sprints and we finished and then the bell rang and athletics was over.
But after lunch we had a challenge it was all all the fast seniors against the teachers in a relay. After that the seniors won the match and we had to back to class and get our bag and shoes and we could go home.
What was your favourite event at Athletics Day and why?
Bryston’s favourite thing was shootput because he makes his muscles grow
If you could change one event from Athletics Day - which one would you change and why?
Bryston’s favourite thing for a i would change the sprints to buncha balloon fight because we get exhausted and hot
What was the funniest thing that someone said or did at Athletics Day?
Bryston’s funieest thing was when he spotted kingston landing on his face in volleyball
What was the hardest thing about Athletics Day?
Bryston’s was shootput because it was to heavy for him
Which challenge did you overcome this year at Athletics Day?
Bryston overcame shookput because he throw it the farest
What are your goals for Athletics Day 2019?
Brystons goal is to try and complete sprints
But after lunch we had a challenge it was all all the fast seniors against the teachers in a relay. After that the seniors won the match and we had to back to class and get our bag and shoes and we could go home.
What was your favourite event at Athletics Day and why?
Bryston’s favourite thing was shootput because he makes his muscles grow
If you could change one event from Athletics Day - which one would you change and why?
Bryston’s favourite thing for a i would change the sprints to buncha balloon fight because we get exhausted and hot
What was the funniest thing that someone said or did at Athletics Day?
Bryston’s funieest thing was when he spotted kingston landing on his face in volleyball
What was the hardest thing about Athletics Day?
Bryston’s was shootput because it was to heavy for him
Which challenge did you overcome this year at Athletics Day?
Bryston overcame shookput because he throw it the farest
What are your goals for Athletics Day 2019?
Brystons goal is to try and complete sprints
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Designing a tile
- Alternate the small squares around the outside of the tile.
- Place the triangles and rectangle in the centre of the tile.
What is the perimeter of a small square? 20cm
What is the area of the yellow rectangle? 50cm
How many small squares do you need for the tile?12
How many triangles are the same size as one rectangle? 2
How many small squares fit in side of the rectangle?2
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
On tuesday morning the block had to line up outside there team bays.The team that lines up in the most straightest line and that's quiet and that goes to the court and sits up will get twenty points. We played some games and Mr Moran was explaining the instructions to us and we had a turn our self.
We had to skip two times run and skip together until we reach the end. We had to drop the one that we had and grab a bigger one and then we had to skip 5 times we had to grab the one one that we dropped and boost back once we skipped 5 times Mr Moran said we could go with Miss King and Miss Duder.
To the bigger skipping rope when it was my turn it went to high and i hit my head.Mr Mr Moran called us back and it was the finals and one boy and girl from each team had to stand up and grab a skipping rope and the first team back will get 50 points and the team that cheers the loudest will get one hundred point the first team back was hokulea.
The team that cheered the loudest was hine moana we had to walk to class in a straight line to class and sit up on the mat
Thursday, 18 October 2018
visual mihi
Hi this is my visual mihi my favourite thing to do is to play on our trampoline because we have boxing bags and he always joins in with me and he always let me join in when he is playing by himself and we always have two boxing bags. My other favourite thing to do with my family is to play with my brother Samson and my big sister Kamryn we play tag our bunk beds and we always enjoy tag every time we play it is also fun to help my dad make a Tree-house and a playground and we paint it a primary colours like black and blue but my most favourite thing to do is to play ball tiggy with Calvin and Angelo but when we play sometimes he doesn't get me because i love him and he makes me breakfast and lunch and Calvin helps me to he makes me dinner lunch breakfast.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018
The roots
dear roots thank you for helping us with water activities and projects and for teaching us how to make clean water and teaching us to learn about the water cycle i loved all the cool things you did for us i hope that you guys visit us again soon.Thank you for letting us keep the mauri stone and for letting us keep the t-shirts.I hope we can do that stuff again some time.
Monday, 24 September 2018
cross country
When Mr Burt clapped the slapper I jogged past the starting line I was coming second to last.But when I past one person everyone was trudged past them then I took first place when I got to the tree I sprinted but kadis was fast I couldn't keep up with him.But when I got to the gate we got to the park I was just about to win but kadis pasted me But I came second But I was still proud of myself.
Thursday, 20 September 2018
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Elimination Tag
On Monday morning we played elimination tag with a twist there were dodgeball throwers i had to run as fast as i could so the taggers couldn’t get me i had to hide underneath the deck so the one that throws it at you can not get you.I out of the deck and i zoomed away because there was a tagger tried to get me then i was next to a dodgeball thrower tried to me but i dodge it as i ran i saw a ball the ball hurtled to me then mr moran said 2 minutes to go when he said that i was honest because the ball got me and i sat on the grass.The winner was Marius but as he bolted past the tagger he had

Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Duffy Book
this is my new Duffy book it is called dragon land pixel raiders by bajo and hex thank you dominion construction for dominating books to our school
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
Word cline sentences
Copy your sentences from your book into the boxes below.
As i went to the beach i was boiling hot
As i went outside it was freezing cold.
It is never good to do something bad
Feelings - Sad
I felt miserable when i was walking home
Feelings - Happy
I felt pleased when fire francis spends her time with us.
As i was trotting around the school i raced with lincoln
As i was walking around the school i saw a tiny wrapper
As i whispered to roman i said go and get you a pencil.
Monday, 3 September 2018
Friday, 31 August 2018
poly strong challenge
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
The Zoo
On Saturday me and my family went to the zoo. We had to go on a bus. It took ages to get there.When we got there we went to go and see the baboons first.Then we went to go and see the tigers Me and my family spotted three of them. Then we had lunch. After that we went to the lions. That was my favourite part. Then we went home and had ice cream. It was delicious.
Friday, 24 August 2018
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
sporting moment paragraph
As the olympic athlete was lifting up the massive weight her legs crumpled to the ground. She couldn’t lift up the massive weight because her arms leaned backwards. She was screaming in agony because she couldn't hold the weights.
Friday, 17 August 2018
Chicken Noodle Soup
today we got to move our body again on a cold and rainy day we needed chiken noodle soup to warm us up i made this dance with my friends.
Friday, 10 August 2018
ned's kindness adventure
This monday there was a ned show. Cosmo said your houses are made out of mud and stone but my house is made out of wood.You are lucky because and tned jumped with the warriors in kenya we got a prize necklace it was so cool. i got up at 5.45 and go to school at 7.30 ned played soccer with the people in kenya.The kenya people sang a song at the beginning. They drink their water from lakes they can get sick if they drink to much water like that because it is dirty. They told us that smiling is our superpower and they have have 50 kids and one teacher.we watched a movie that’s how i now so much about kenya because cosmo told us about kenya then he showed us when he was on the airplane.
Friday, 3 August 2018
Thursday, 2 August 2018
we were learing about what synonyms are and we did a little activity to show you what they are.
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
Thursday, 26 July 2018
healthy lifestyle
What makes a healthy life for me is.waking up and brushing my teeth in the morning and getting changed for school and making my breakfast.You have to have a healthy lunch.When i’m finished making my lunch i put it in my lunchbox when i’m finished i have to put my lunchbox in my my bag.Then i walk to school with my .we have to jog to school every day so your legs get stronger .then we then if you get to school.You can play games with your friends. on the court's.Or on the field you have to run as fast as you can so if your playing tag they can’t tag you.Then the bell rang and we had to go back into class.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
Monday, 23 July 2018
Monday, 2 July 2018
Sharing my Mihi
Standing up in front of the classroom my heart was beating so fast. As i walked to the front of the classroom. I whispered to myself i can do my mihi.Then i stood up proud and said my mihi.I said it proudly.if i go back up at the the front of the class.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Monday, 25 June 2018
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
seven kites of matariki
A long time ago there was seven sisters. They lived by a beautiful river. Each year they would fly a kite to the harvest. But the little baby couldn't Join in because she was too little.One year the little baby matariki could join in because she was old enough to fly her kite and make her own kite. then they went up to the mountain to fly there kite. The first sister made her out of harakeke bush it was green. the second sister made her kite of it was orange raupo bush. The third one made it out of manukatree her one was pink. The seven made their own colored kite. but matariki made her one bueteaful because it was made out of heaps of colours.
The next day it was cold then they put on their coats and went to the mountain but then they recognised the wind wasn’t blowing.So they tied there kites to a tree and went to sleep.Then the wind blow and knocked the kites off the tree. And then Matariki woke up and saw the kites in the sky at night. Then she woke up her sister when she was crying. Then they said were are our kites then matariki looked up then all of them looked up.Then the sisters said they were named after her because they couldn’t stop looking at it because they were shining brighter than anything.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
At a beautiful morning miss kings reading group made pikelets. We had to use eggs, milk, baking pow
Flour, sugar, oil ,and salt, After we had to mix it all up. Then we had to put it in the frying pan.the frying pan was super hot we had to make sure we don't burn our self. when the bubbles popped we had to flip it with the spatecheler when it was ready then we had to eat it was yuck because it taste like sea salt then we added the nutella. If added heaps you couldn't taste it. After that we could have another one the second one taste nice because there salt then we had to mix the second one. it was ready to when the bubbles pooped the pikelets loked like pancakes. It was like and afternoon snack when we put the jam and the delicoius nuteela.
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Zoo trip
Introduction.5ws who what when where why how
At windy and sunny day. The whole of room 22 went to the zoo. On a bus it took a couple of hours. i fell asleep. But luckily miss King woke me up. When we arrived at the zoo. Because she was sitting next to me and jireh. I was it was windy . When i got out of the bus but i was lucy. because i had a jumper on and then we split up in our group. We went with the zookeeper to where we eat. She was talking about when we come back.After she was done talking we walked around in our group my favorite animals are the Cheetah the cheetahs because they can fast and because when they sleep they are cute and the baboons. baboons because they are funny and because they have a pink bottoms Then miss king said we have to go back and have morning tea. I sat down and ate my sandwiches and my apple. then i was playing on the rocks. With Maruis we had a race. Then we got in our group. Then we ran to the elephant. With our bags. On and miss King took a photo of me Taimana Sione Aniqua and Gabriel with tevita at the back of him. Then we had to go back and have lunch. Miss King said we had to run to where we meet to eat our morning tea. I had my rice crackers to eat for lunch. Then i ate my lcms to then we had another quick walk around. After that we had to go bug lab. Bug lab has heaps of games and one slide in bug lab is a mysteries place to go. After that we had to go back to school in the bus that we came from we they drop us off at the zoo.
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
Our Fantastic Catapults
It was a beautiful day at pt england school the block had to get popsicle sticks then we had to get sellotape. We had to stick the sticky sellotape on the popsicle sticks and there were two popsicle sticks we had to attach two pieces of sellotape on each end. Then you had to grab a piece of sellotape and put it next to you then you had to grab two popsicle stick and shape them like tweezers then you grab the piece of tape that you left and attach it around it and then you enter the battle zone. when you grab your pom pom i fired it at miss king. I had to run at the of a chair because adriana was trying to get me.But luckily i crawled under the table quilly and she couldn't catch me. And then we had to put our catapult in my toy tray and sit on the mat.
Monday, 7 May 2018
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Ki O Rahi
How to play ki o rahi first need a ball there are two teams taniwha and kiama when you have
the ball you can’t run and chuck the ballat the team that your vsing your only allowed to throw
it at your team mat.
the ball you can’t run and chuck the ballat the team that your vsing your only allowed to throw
it at your team mat.
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
thank you Woof Fisher
thank you Woolf Fisher for this delicous pizza. I love the cheese on the pizza and the pineappel next to the bacon.
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Mufti and Wheels day
On friday at lunchtime I went to the hall to learn how to roller skate. Pt England
had mufti and wheels day we did it for the year eight camp and to have fun and
we had to bring a gold coin for year eight camp. I crashed into pepole and I fell
over because we had to touch our toes and keep on going. But we had to learn
how to jump on one leg when we got to the red line and we had to land it and
keep on going we had to do the straps and we had to zoom around the cones.
we had to bring a gold coin for year eight camp. I crashed into pepole and I fell
over because we had to touch our toes and keep on going. But we had to learn
how to jump on one leg when we got to the red line and we had to land it and
keep on going we had to do the straps and we had to zoom around the cones.
Friday, 6 April 2018
All about me
Hi my is toa am seven years old and i go to pt england school my favourite sport and food are potatos and
steak and my favourite sport is touch but my favoute singer is khalid
steak and my favourite sport is touch but my favoute singer is khalid
Swimming with Dolphins
As i dived in deep blue sea i could see fish swimming around me and fish swimming in a long lane fish and dolphins going in three lanes. I could hear dolphins squeaking and the fishes waves at the top of deep see water all the dolphins were going home safely the lanes long as all them were going fast because they had to get home fast as. I felt very happy because the dolphins can not circle around me.
Peter Rabbit
As soon as peter rabbit benjamin quckly held on to peter rabbit but he twisted and turned and benjamin fell off the wasing line. Peter rabbit and benjamin fell into the pants and poked there head in the zip and they were loking for mr mc gregor slide down the pants.
Haast's Eagle
hass't eagels have claws like a teger and its wins spawn is 3 meters long
and its top speed is 80kilometers
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Duffy book
Thank you duffy for the books i liked the part were he dresses up like a cake. And that part when he did sience.
Thursday, 29 March 2018
As I launched out of the tunnel, I heard sirince. And pepole screming with the wind rushing past my face i smelt some gas from the roller coaster . And oil coming out of the police cars at the top of the drop i saw the ground and pepole walking and buying candy floss. Geting off the roller coaster i tasted lolies and voimit and candy floss flying. down the vertical drop i felt the bars on the vertical drop bars wigeling and the and i felt sick. Because i thourt i was afrade of hights.
Friday, 23 March 2018
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
blind fold story
On Wednesday morning we had to do a opsticoil course we had to blindfold our friends and all I could see was blackness I crawl under the chairs zig zag throw the chairs and climb on the shelf on our nees and try not to fall. Next we had to hop on the chair and our paetner had to spin us around and then we had to sit on to mat.
Friday, 9 March 2018
do the right thing
today me isrealn and sude did the right thing by putting away the books in the libaryand by doing the chairs and tow trays.
Friday, 2 March 2018
Thursday, 22 February 2018
how to play ki o rahi
How to play ki o rahi first need a ball there are two teams taniwha and kiama when you have the ball you can’t run and chuck the ballat the team that your vsing your only ollwed to throw it at your team mat.
Friday, 16 February 2018
omru creek
Omaru creek has an awful the discarded flouds omaru creek it is like a filthy soup. We can get throw this if we work as a team by not throwing rubbish in omaru creek we can make diffrence by respecting our
Enviorment and we can restore nature to its best. We need to clean enough to swim in omaru creek.threre is an abundence of animals in omaru creek the pure tranqruil beuty makes it clean enough to swim in

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