
Friday 24 November 2017

The red hulk

Once upon a  there a red hulk he had red strong muscles. He could jump on very high  buildings. He lived in a cottage by the sun in alight forest. His brothers and sisters lived with him in the cottage. They liked playing hide and day red hulks brother got kid napped from a giant. He took him to his castle. He got out of the bag and the door was shut. He was stuck in the big giants castle. He was shocked! He found a ladder it took 
ages until he found a key to unlock the door and he went back to his family hugged him.

Monday 13 November 2017

Place value

We are learning ning about hundreds tens and ones.

Thursday 19 October 2017


In the holidays I drove to swim  aroma I went on my favourite thing the long blue slide was my favourite thing because It was.The darkest out of all of them . I had to walk up 50 stairs and wait in line I walked to the inside pool lt was warm.I had to wait until the light was green I pushed my self down the slide i felt the swishing warm warter going down to the door.Splash I landed in the pool.

Friday 28 July 2017

The holiday

In the holiday I went to inflatable world I went with my family .there were  lots of bouncy castles the biggest bouncy castle was my favourite.  Then
I went to chimpmunks I went back home to watch tv I felt very happy.!

Friday 9 June 2017

The trip

On Thursday the first room  27  went  to the museum in the white and blue bus .we had to climb up the 5 steps in the bus .it was hot me and 
Tavakesina were playing Rock Paper Scissors on lamas dads phone .when were  there we hopped the bus.we went into the  aulckland
museum when we got  inside we had morning teaAndthen we went to  explore we had to go up the stairs we got a moko . we made a bowl .
We had lunch and we played on the field 

Friday 19 May 2017

Maui and the sun

Maui and the sun once  there a strong  warrior his name is Maui.He had  four brothers he was tough and Maui  made a flax net to catch the sun
  because it was going to fast so then they  could go fishing.

Thursday 30 March 2017